
IV World Congress of Basque Communities, 2007


The IV World Congress has served to think, discuss and make contributions about the Basque diaspora, all that work shortened in around twenty reports and presentations at the Euskalduna Palace.

Not only was the 2003-2007 Four Year Plan evaluated and the Document of Conclusions that the Advisory Council will take into account for the elaboration of the Four Year Plan 2008-2011 passed, but also, speakers and participants have discussed the situation of youth, woman, communication, culture, companies, and have made a diagnosis about the situation of the Basque Clubs all over.

The IV Congress has built bridges, bridges between all Basques throughout the World, and bridges between the past and the present, looking at the future to preserve the Basque memory and identity, and to facilitate the integration of the Basque diaspora in their countries.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Fecha de la última modificación: 20/06/2016