Department of Culture and Language Policy

CONTRAST: CCIs and Innovation

CONTRAST: CCIs and Innovation

The Department of Culture and Language Policy of the Basque Government is promoting a work route within the framework of RIS3 around Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) as an area of opportunity.

A process of reflection began in 2019 around the conceptualisation and exploitation (via indicators) of R&D&I in the Basque cultural and creative sector. The reason to undertake this is the R&D&I deficit reflected in data for these sectors in comparison with the three strategic priorities (Advanced Manufacturing, Energy and Life Sciences - Health) and two of the four areas of opportunity (Food and Urban Habitat) included in the RIS3.

According to data from Innobasque collected in the document Bases of the Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation (PCTI) 2030, the cultural and creative industries represented 0.7% of the whole of R&D investments in the Basque Country in 2017.

In comparison with 2014-2017, it is the only field to experience a negative evolution (-9.4%), which contrast with the increase of 10.0% in investments in R&D in the whole of the RIS3 fields.

logo cci

Starting out from this double problem, the development working process for a conceptual framework for the application of R&D&I in the CCSs has the following objectives:


of innovation taking place in the CCI, according to approved and standardised measuring criteriam for the group of sectors.


the uniqueness of the CCI, identifying aspects characterising cultural innovation, which are not reflected in the frameworks established for the group of sectors and which make them unique.

During 2020, we have compared reflections with GT2 Piloting Group about the CCI niche of opportunity, devoted to R&D&I and participation by associations, companies in the sector, technological centres, universities, CCI infrastructures, public institutions, clusters and Innobasque.

Open Conference "CCIs and Innovation Contrast"

(2021 November 11-12, Guggenheim Museum)

This event is the result of the “CCIs and Innovation Contrast” working process, during which three group of experts have been meeting in online sessions to jointly work on different topics: Working Group 1 (WG1) on innovation, WG2 on R&D and WG3 on the measurement of R&D&I.

Basque Country: New approaches to the concept of innovation in the CCIs" event

(2022 July 19, online)

"Basque Country: New approaches to the concept of innovation in the CCIs" workshop during the Creativity World Forum 2022 organised by DCNetwork.

During the conference, different organizations or projects from the CCI sector were presented in 5 European regions: North Rhine-Westphalia, Flanders, Piedmont, Catalonia and the Basque Country. In the workshop, the main results and the case study by regions were presented as the next step to extend the initial sample to a broader international universe.