
Hiztegi honen egilea Mikel Morris da eta hogei bat urteko emaitza izan da. On-line hiztegiaren egitura ELEKA ingeniaritza linguistikoa enpresak diseneinatu zuen.


Interneten jarri dugun hiztegia Morris Student Plus Hiztegia duzu, orain arteko ingeles-euskara euskara-ingeles hiztegirik osatuena eta modernoena. Berritua izan da, eta Euskaltzaindiaren gomendioen arabera moldatua.

Hona hemen edukia:

  • 67,000 sarrera

  • 120,000 adiera


Kontuan izan hiztegi hau oso modu zorrotzean antolatu dela. Ongi begiratu behar diozu kategoria gramatikalari. Kategoria gramatikal bakoitzean adierak izan daitezke, zenbaki batek markatutakoak, eta askotan laburpena edo parentesien arteko azalpena ager daitezke. Letra batek azpiadierak markatzen ditu.

adib. apurtu du/ad. 1. (apurretan puskatu) a. (jostailua, e.a.) to break b. (platera, e.a.) to break, smash, shatter.

Gramatikari buruzko informazioa zeinu hauen artean agertzen da [].

adib. Zur iz. [-r-]. Horrek esan nahi du, atzizkia hitzari eranstean, "r" letra ez dela bikoizten; hau da, "zura", ez "*zura".

"~" ikurra erabiltzen da sarrera-hitza erabili ordez.

e.g. Adiskide iz. friend; ~ak gara we are friends. Hemen, "~ak" delakoak "adiskideak" esan nahi du.

Laburpenen bat ulertu ezin baduzu, laburpen-taula egin da, hura zer den jakiteko. Euskal hitz osoak eta dagozkien itzulpenak ematen dira, ingelesdunek uler ditzaten.

Ingeles-euskarazko atalean, aditz partikuladunek edo "phrasal verbs" direlakoek (adib. get out, pay back) beren azpiatal berezia dute. Euskara-ingelesezko atalean, aditz konposatuak (adib. hitz egin, aurrea hartu) berentzako azpiatala ere dute.


Author and Compiler

The author and compiler of this dictionary is Mikel Morris, the result of 20 years of work. The structure of the on-line dictionary was designed by Eleka ingeniaritza linguistikoa.


The dictionary that we have put on-line is the Morris Student Plus Dictionary, the most complete and modern English-Basque Basque-English dictionary to date. It has been updated and follows the latest recommndations of the Royal Academy of the Basque Language, Euskaltzaindia.

The dictionary contains:

  • 67,000 headwards

  • 120,000 expressions and idioms
Resulting hit

Please bear in mind that the dictionary is organized in a strictly rigorous fashion. Look at the part of speech. Within each part of speech there may be senses, marked by a number and often followed by an abbreviation or an explanation of each sense in between parentheses.

Subsenses are marked by a letter.

e.g. apurtu du/ad. 1. (apurretan puskatu) a. (jostailua, e.a.) to break b. (platera, e.a.) to break, smash, shatter.

Grammatical information is given between [].

e.g. Zur iz. [-r-]. This means that when an ending to added on to the word, the "r" is not doubled, i.e. "zura", not "*zura".

The symbol "~" is used in place of the headword.

e.g. Adiskide iz. friend; ~ak gara we are friends. Here, "~ak" means "adiskideak".

This dictionary was originally written for Basque speakers and hence, the abbreviations are Basque. If you are unable to understand them, you may look them up in the abbreviation table provided. It includes the full Basque word(s) and the English translation. And if you are unable to understand the word(s) in between the parentheses, you will have to look them up as well.

In the English-Basque part of the dictionary, phrasal verbs (e.g. get out, pay back) are given their own subsection. In the Basque-English part of the dictionary, compound verbs (e.g. hitz egin, aurrea hartu) get the same treatment.