How to contribute information to the Basque Nature Information System


Registration of the species observed (both by humans and by automatic sensors) in a specific place and date in unplanned events (casual records).

The data can be recorded from the event, by compiling the bibliographic citations of the observations or by the information collected in biological collections (natural science museums, herbaria, etc.).

Data on live specimens can also be recorded in zoological centers or botanical gardens.

Occurrences (XLSX, 34 KB) (abre en nueva ventana)

Sampling events

These are records of occurrences with standardized protocols to measure and observe biodiversity, with a measure of the abundance of species in the sample. They correspond to samplings over the years in permanent plots or standardized censuses, such as vegetation transects, bird censuses, and marine or freshwater samplings. Not only do they document attributes of a species in context (metadata), but they also include enough detail to determine the composition of a community or relative abundance of species at different points in time.

Sampling events (XLSX, 44 KB) (abre en nueva ventana)

Guide for the design of species monitoring programmes

If the GPS device allows it, the use of EGNOS (abre en nueva ventana) (European satellite correction system) is recommended to reduce the error of location measurements free of charge.

For any questions about how to activate and configure EGNOS on the GPS device, please write to: 

  • Accuracy: within the range of valid values defined for the application domain
  • Completeness: providing the values corresponding to all the available attributes
  • Consistency and comparability: without contradictions and consistent with the other data in context
  • Credibility: both for the data itself and for the information source
  • Current: provided at the right time to maintain its value
  • Accessibility: ease of access in context
  • Compliance: with respect to current standards and regulations
  • Confidentiality: respecting the privacy and security of data
  • Efficiency: so that they can be processed with reasonable resources
  • Accuracy: with respect to the context to which they belong
  • Traceability: regarding the source or origin of the data
  • Understandability: with adequate coding and metadata for later interpretation
  • Relevance: degree of adequacy of the data to the needs of potential users

Natura 2000 Network

Studies and works contemplated in the decrees designating the spaces of the Natura 2000 Network (ZEC and ZEPA) and approving their conservation measures.


Studies and works on natural and semi-natural habitats of community or regional interest inside and outside the Natura 2000 Network and Protected Natural Areas, which contribute to the improvement of their conservation status, prioritizing those whose conservation status is unfavorable or unknown.

Endangered species

Studies and work on endangered species of wild flora and fauna, both at Community and regional level, with reference to Annexes I and II to Directive 2009/147 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November on the conservation of wild birds, Annexes II and IV to Council Directive 92/43 / EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora and the categories EP and VU of the Basque Catalog of Endangered Species of Wild and Marine Fauna and Flora, and prioritizing those whose conservation status is unfavorable or unknown.

  • Studies for obtaining primary data (distribution) of little-studied taxa or whose information is obsolete. Cartographic information must be included.
  • Studies on the state of conservation, vulnerability and / or degree of threat of species of wild flora and fauna in the catalogs and lists of this section.

Other elements of the natural heritage

  • Studies and works on the elements for the improvement of the coherence of the Natura 2000 Network and of the ecological connectivity in the whole territory: elements of the natural heritage and of the landscape, fluvial stretches, fragmentation, dynamics, analysis and restoration.
  • Studies and work on wetlands and other aquatic ecosystems: bases for the management of aquatic ecosystems, under the conservation criteria linked to the Natura 2000 Network and Directive 2000/60 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 23, 2000, establishing a Community framework for action in the field of water policy.
  • Studies for obtaining primary data (distribution) of invasive alien species. Cartographic information must be included.
  • Proposals of control methods for invasive exotic flora species.
    d.5.- Studies for the definition of methodologies and harmonization in the collection of data on the natural heritage: biodiversity and geodiversity.
  • Research projects related to the generation of models, analysis of trends and indicators that facilitate the understanding and dissemination of the functioning of ecosystems and geological processes.
  • Studies for the definition of guidelines and criteria for the restoration of ecosystems, habitats or places of geological interest at the local scale.

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