V Employment Congress 2022


Photo by Idoia Mendia Cueva

Idoia Mendia Cueva

Second Deputy First Minister and Minister of Labour and Employment of the Basque Government (from September 2020). In this legislature, she is leading a profound transformation of public employment policies linked to the consequences of the demographic, energy and digital transitions. Indeed, she is promoting a new model for the public employment service, a new employment law, and also designing a more flexible guaranteed income system so that no one is left behind in this process. A graduate in Law from the University of Deusto, with a postgraduate degree in International and European Relations from the Amsterdam School of International Relations, she was also the first woman to lead the PSE-EE/PSOE. Since October 2021, she has been Secretary for Studies and Programmes of the PSOE's Federal Executive Committee. She is the author of a book, several forewords and articles related to Basque and Spanish politics, and has given lectures in the Basque Country, Madrid, Seoul and Berlin on employment innovation and social cohesion.