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COMPETENCE, USE AND ATTITUDE - Basque language competence

Basque competence (>= 16 years old) Basque Country Technical file    View indicator charts   Maps   Download excel file    PX-file download complete  
     Basque competence by age View indicator charts   Maps   PX-file download complete  
     Basque competence by sex View indicator charts   Maps   PX-file download complete  
     Linguistic competence according to the first language View indicator charts   Maps   PX-file download complete  
     Linguistic competence according to the first language and age View indicator charts   Maps   PX-file download complete  
     Linguistic competence according to the first language and sex View indicator charts   Maps   PX-file download complete  
Basque competence (>= 5 years old). BAC and Navarre Technical file    View indicator charts   Maps   Download excel file    PX-file download complete  
     Basque competence by age and sexe (>= 5 years old). BAC and Navarre View indicator charts   Maps   PX-file download complete  
     Basque competence by age and sex. BAC (districts/municipalities) PX-file download complete  
     Basque competence by age and sex. Navarra (districts/municipalities) PX-file download complete  
     Basque competence by age and sex. Navarra (language zones) PX-file download complete  
     Basque competence by age and sex. Álava (cuadrillas) Download excel file    PX-file download complete  
     Basque competence by age, sex and sociolinguistic field. BAC PX-file download complete  
Linguistic competence according to the first language (BILA Index). (>= 5 years old). BAC Technical file    View indicator charts   Maps   Download excel file    PX-file download complete  
     Linguistic competence according to the first language, age and sex (BILA Index). BAC View indicator charts   Maps   PX-file download complete  
     Linguistic competence according to the first language, age and sex (BILA Index). BAC (districts/municipalities) Download excel file    PX-file download complete  
     Linguistic competence according to the first language, age and sex (BILA Index). Álava (cuadrillas) Download excel file    PX-file download complete  
Ease of Basque speakers to express themselves in Basque. Basque Country Technical file    View indicator charts   Maps   Download excel file    PX-file download complete  
     Ease of Basque speakers to express themselves in Basque by age View indicator charts   Maps   PX-file download complete  
     Ease of Basque speakers to express themselves in Basque by sex View indicator charts   Maps   PX-file download complete  
     Ease of Basque speakers to express themselves in Basque by first language View indicator charts   Maps   PX-file download complete