Department of Culture and Language Policy

Jornada "Basque Country: New approaches to the concept of innovation in the CCIs"

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Workshop information:

Date: July 19, Tuesday , 11:00 - 13:00


This project is a study about the measuring of innovation in the cultural and creative industries, based on the context of the “Cultural and Creative Industries and Innovation Contrast”.

As part of a reflection process initiated in 2019 by the Basque Government around the conceptualisation and exploitation of RDI in Basque CCIs, a pilot study has been carried out in order to obtain knowledge and tools that enable the development of policies and initiatives to support innovation in the cultural and creative sector in Europe. A variety of CCIs organisations or projects in 5 European regions have been analysed: North Rhine-Westphalia, Flanders, Piedmont, Catalunya and Euskadi. The main outcomes and a case study per region may be presented at the workshop, as the next step to enlarge the initial sample to a broader international universe. An invitation to join the pilot project may be addressed to all DC Network members.

- Welcome and context of the project CCIs and Innovation Contrast:
- Highlights of the CCSI’s Contrast pilot study: Elisenda Juanola, ICC Consultores

-Regions and Innovation cases:
North Rhine-Westphalia
Claudia Jericho, Creative NRW
Clemens von Gizycki, Dreiform

- Piedmont
Luca dal Pozzolo, Piedmont Cultural Observatory
Luca Lagash, Viso a Viso Organization

- Flandes
Pascal Cools, Flanders DC
Ann Claes, MUTANI

- Catalunya
Edgar Garcia, ICEC Generalitat de Catalunya
Mar Carrera, Pol·len edicions

- Basque Country
Elena Lascurain, Basque Government
Vera Wrana, BIMEpro

- Open participative discussion and Conclusions

Register (leiho berri batean irekitzen da)